ld was gold and is becoming elektrum.
The 50s saw Mrs. Rajpal onstage.
the 60s were represented by mr. Baker et al.
The 70s too had their stalwarts. Overseas birds flew in to speak of the ones abroad.
Joy Michael was one of the Old Girls.
Stephanian couples, those who met in College and without were also awarded.
the oldest Stephanian- 1933 spoke of when Intermediate students were at Kashmere Gate, still opposite Hindu.
90s were there of course, and so were we-the Millennium Batch.
As we saluted SIR aka Stephanians in rajasthan, as Ruchi put it, when we step in College, we feel as if we are coming home.
Memorabilia was available, but what we made were memories.
Juniors elaborated on scandals eternal, no buns intended.
Gjams were incomparable.
The Stephanian centenary edition clued us in on how the more we change, the more College remains the same.
Ad nauseam, adding to dei glorius alums.
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