Thursday, November 15, 2007

Ides of November

Utopian Creation, Dhrishtikon, Karma yatras
Danny Mcgill, Sophiya Haque, Johnny Bravuras

Grandaddies of all festivals harmony
SRCC, Mecca, Bachanalia symphony

Musical Instruments, Abhishake
babes in College, asked for cake

Ale Adam's apple of Discord
Cacaphony, Jaccosynthesised

Olympia. BCL Dramatics, Carol Evenings
Abhgyan, The Wall, Rumours, Affairs

Doctors in Spite of Ourselves, Boastful Rabbits
Grumpy dwarfed Goliath's David, Michel skits

The Line, Antigone, Amadeus, Hayavadana
The fiction of St. Stephens, Shakespearana

Karna, Midsummer Night's Dreamed Bottom
The Importance of Being Earnest, Casurina

Julius octaves octet, celeb debates Tharoor
Millenium lectured glasses off stage spoor

The Tempest, Mariana, Miranda, Pandy
Flaming Feathers to a Ray Charles Handy

Ice Candy Man giver provided we amuse
The play's the thing
Wherein we caught the conscience of Ruse

Veltanschung, Gotterdammerdung Deutsche Dutch
Streets of Philly, New York, New Yorkers Pach

Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Abida Parveen
Nusrat, Sangam, Chini Whispered Sheen

Charlie, chary tactiturn Steve
Flmboyance flambe Onion peeve

Pets piranhas Indiana calls to Jone
Jean patchwork mirror gray Dorian

Drones queens workers ants Vaclav Hamel
Leaf fell on loneliness. Encore! Please, Kamil.

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