Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Words and actions- what speaks louder in my head?

It’s probably easier to not compromise when we are younger. That’s a sound argument for always staying young at heart.

When I decided to study English at graduation, that was when I stuck up for what I believed in. People said it doesn’t pay, it’s for self satisfaction, it has no career prospects.

I thought I’d become a journalist, but I actually wanted to become a better writer. I did. Not become a journalist, but a better writer.

Somewhere along the line, our dreams may change. Reality impacts them, so it is but natural that they do. Still, if we don’t dream, how will we live?

Even when I finished graduation, my love for literature remained. Unconsciously, I still approach art the same way we were taught. What’s the sub text?

My MBA taught me about a different kind of sub text. What’s the agenda? Just another word for sub text. One that isn’t academic, a little more menacing.

Magic realism
The two have fused. I use both today, whether it is at work or at home. Both talked about people. Negotiation involves understanding what makes people tick. Negotiation was something I learnt practically at b-school, but used as a term in College.

Foucault’s words on the relation between power and knowledge- first came across them in College. See their truth around me everywhere.

The production of fiction as a commodity- popular fiction- was again something revealed to me in my second year in College. Studied its marketing at b-school and am now trying to practically do it at work.

Even if one sticks to a pure ivory tower, it’s difficult. It will get polluted. The atmosphere’s not the cleanest. Why not then control what influences our thoughts, and act keeping reality in mind, not just idealism?

"This post is a part of #UseYourAnd activity at BlogAdda in association with GilletteVenus"

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

What makes me, me

With circumstances I’ve changed. But there are some things I’ve always held dear. Writing poetry. My love of nature. My passion for learning. Labels are easy. They tell everyone at a glance what’s inside.

All that’s inside may not be on the label

The jar may not be transparent. The label may be one thing, but the contents another. Or the label may refer to one thing, but the jar contains more than one. People stereotype because it makes it easier for them to react to others.

Men don’t make passes at women who wear…
Glasses means you’re studious. Now I wear lenses. Does that make me more fun loving? I always had a wild side. Toppers are no fun. I didn’t study to top, it just happened.

Yes and…then
It was liberating when I stopped topping though. I met difference first in b-school, when fellow students thought that I took English because I got low marks. When they heard my marks, they were zapped. I tried to tell them it’s possible to get good marks and still want to follow your heart.

Yes and…now
Today I’m a wife, and a friend. Still a friend to my gal pals. A daughter, and a daughter-in-law. A manager and a poet.

Ah, poetry…
Painting the world in black and white would be so dull. Shades of colour make it fun. Expressing myself through poetry helps me cohere my world and whatever’s happening. Rhyme gives it structure, which the real world may not have.

Mama nature
Writing about nature, or simply gawking at it in its always varying moods, gives me a sense of peace. Strong mountains seem to shoulder the earth, giving me the confidence to leave things in God’s hands.

Learning lights up new pathways in my brain, much like when I exercise, which sadly, is not as frequent as I would like it to be. The Internet’s great for learning. I like trying out new dishes occasionally. The appreciation, both by the diner and online gives me a fuzzy warm feeling inside.

"This post is a part of #UseYourAnd activity at BlogAdda in association with Gillette Venus".