Have been having a whale of a staycation. The trick is to not stay so much at home :-)
Went to the mall on Saturday and spent 7 hours there...reminded me of Delhi days. Hubby had a great birthday with mango cake and a fireworks candle.
Sunday- finally went to the writers' meeting I'd always wanted to go to...soaked in Pagdandi's atmosphere...admired it's thatched ceiling and wooden bookshelves. Quite an action oriented group- we were supposed to write on one of four prompts- a poem emerged on hope which I was quite happy with.
Meet the same people at events of a similar nature- finally remebered had met one of them at the Pune lit fest.
Checked out the new mall and took a selfie with the Johnny Bravo lookalike mascot. Had a 7 layer burrito which seemed more Indian than Mexican.
Went for an art exhibition and saw one painting which stayed with me- a clock in an eye.
Legs gave way then... so headed home to a gabfest with a gal pal overseas.
Monday- Had an awesome foot massage which used acupressure...am still feeling fresh. Finally went to Funky Kona, which lived upto it's name, although the food was so-so.
Watched most of Now you see me 2, which I liked, surprisingly. Once you get over the fact that you need to unwillingly suspend disbelief, the magic stunts, by their sheer novelty and sleight of hand, endear themselves.
Trying to download it, but sadly the dear old gov has blocked all promising links.
Today- Caught up on some research, wrote here, enjoyed the rainy day and finished watching 21 grams. Sean Penn...mmm. Cooked.
Tomorrow's open.
Varying candy leisure time with work helps make it sweeter.
PS- My first gif in a blog post- woo hoo!